How You Are Shortening the Life of Your Refrigerator

Believe it or not, you are likely to break your refrigerator with simple habits. Buying a fridge is a costly investment that you should expect to last you for an extended period. Some practices often have the assumption that they mean no harm to your refrigerator. However, even the significant breakdowns begin as simple unsafe habits that accumulate to fail your refrigerator in the end. It is crucial to note that the below practices are general for all types of refrigerators irrespective of your choice. Read on. Failure to Clean the Internal Mechanics According to the Ultimate Guide on Home Appliance Brands , whether you have the most or least reliable refrigerator brand, they all have a defrost drain. Usually, this defrost drain will freeze or clog with debris causing the water to drip and overflow the drain trough to leak through the fridge's bottom. Most experts say that this will eventually overwork your fridge and lead to a shorter lifespan. More so, i...