What You Should Know Before Buying a Standby Home Generator

Buying a standby generator is an excellent step towards securing your home's power worries. However, you should check for some things before you kick off the installation process. Issues such as assessing your power priorities and needs, the type of generator that your home needs, and many others may guide you in settling for the best generator. Let us have a look at these and other things you should know before buying a standby generator for your home. Generator Capacity Once you have learned why standby generators are an ideal power backup plan for your modern home , you certainly understand that considering the generator capacity before buying it is very important. Generator capacity is rated by the number of watts it can produce. If you see a generator with 10kW capacity, it means the generator can have 10,000 watts of power. The more devices you have that need power, the more watts you need, and the more expensive it gets. The most common capacity of the standby generat...